Tuesday 26 June 2012


Death is running amok in the realms of the Ghana Football Association when four prominent people lost their lives within the last one year, the death toll has indeed shaken the Football Association as members now seek spiritual cover.
The situation started when the chairman of Liberty Professionals Alhaji Sly Tetteh lost his live in a charity match at the Robert Mensah stadium during the Cape Coast Fetu Afahye in september 2011, this did not end there when Nana Ntiri Dankyi also former member of the F.A. followed in the first quarter of 2012, death which has no mercy for position continued working in the Football Association, laid it's icy hands on the the Vice - President of the GFA on the 14th June 2012 and just a week later death took away another executive committee member, and member of Parliament for Kwabre west in the Ashanti Region bringing the tally to four in less than one year, what is really happening are all this prominent people dying because of age or we need to read meanings to them. for me am very worried with the way things are happening

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